“I tell you the truth, everyone who acknowledges me publicly here on earth, the Son of Man will also acknowledge in the presence of God’s angels.” – Luke 12:8
Jesus Christ calls all Christians to tell others about his good news boldly and in love. LeRoy Covenant is committed to serving our community by offering a variety of family-based fellowship outreach events inviting our community to participate and enter relationship with us.
Kickoff Sunday – 2nd Sunday in September
As each summer ends, families evaluate what the upcoming school year and fall will bring them and what is important to them. We invite every family to make Christ the center of their lives with a church family. This sports-themed Sunday is a encouragement to start the habit of worshiping with our church family each week.
Trunk or Treat – October 31, 6:00 – 7:30 p.m.
Every Halloween, we invite the entire community in for a family-friendly event. There are multiple “stalls” for trick-or-treating and fellowship all inside! So for those poor weather years or an opportunity to hang out and keep the kiddos busy with fun, visit LeRoy Covenant every Halloween!
Christmas – J.O.Y. Club Program and Christmas Eve Services
Christmas would not be possible without the birth of Christ. Each December, we celebrate this joyous occasion with special advent-themed dramas, a packed house for our annual J.O.Y. Club Christmas Program, a candlelight Christmas Eve Service and special Christmas Worship Service (the Sunday closest to Christmas). We invite you to celebrate and learn the true meaning of the Christmas season through all of these events.
Easter Sunday
Faith in Christ is made possible by his death on the cross and resurrection, which we celebrate each Easter Sunday. Many years a tradition of celebrating this Sunday starts with breakfast at 9 a.m., Sunday School class and a special Easter drama cantata. Each year the cantata is different with a powerful message of how Christ’s sacrifice impacts our lives.
Razzasque Days – 2nd weekend in July
For over 30 years, LeRoy Covenant has participated in the annual LeRoy Razzasque Days Festival by sponsoring the Food and Games Booths or Puppet Shows as a part of the festival. We currently host the Friday afternoon Kid’s Games in our church lawn followed by a Puppet Show in our church building. It is an opportunity to serve our community with a smile and warm heart.