Direct your children onto the right path, and when they are older,
they will not leave it. – Proverbs 22:6

We believe that children are a vital part of our church family and give joy and vibrancy all to forms of worship and programming. We make children’s programming a priority and pray in drives all planning. However, children need the example and involvement of their parents and special adults in their lives to model a walk with Christ. Therefore, we invite adults to engage with their kids in programs and connect with other families as well.

J.O.Y. Club – Tuesdays after schoolGames
J.O.Y. Club has been housed by the LeRoy Covenant for the last 40 years, though it has held many different names over the years, its’ focus has always been Jesus, Others and You. It is a program dedicated to teaching all children about Jesus Christ and His importance for their lives. The program focuses on helping children learn about Christ and how He loves them in an engaging, hands-on approach, using movement and activity to apply lessons to their lives. It is for children grades kindergarten thru 7th grade. The program runs two tracks with a lower elementary program and an upper elementary program. Both tracks meet after school each Tuesday until 5:00 p.m. throughout the school year. 

PuppetsThe lower elementary track contains an afternoon of Bible stories, games, active missions, active word, crafts and a snack.  The upper elementary track also includes Bible stories, games, active missions, active word and a snack. In addition, the spring semester includes a special session split of the boys building Pinewood Derby cars each week, culminating with a race following the end-of-the year Sunday celebration of the program. The upper elementary girls meanwhile create multi-week craft projects, which are judged for ribbons at the end-of-the year program.

SessionsAll children need to be registered for the program and can ride the bus to be dropped off at the church after school. On days there is no school or school is closed due to weather, there will be NO J.O.Y. Club. J.O.Y. Club runs from October to May each school year.

Youth GroupYouth Group 
Youth Group meets every Sunday 4-6 p.m. at church. All 7-12 graders are invited to join us each week for games, fellowship, and a Bible lesson. We have some awesome things planned, so come check it out!

Life Groups– Sunday mornings at 9:45 a.m.
Life Groups are a small group ministry to encourage and to journey through life together. Everyone gathers at 9:45 a.m. in the sanctuary for a short opening time before dismissing to classes. At 10:00 a.m. everyone breaks into classes. The adult Life Group classes are facilitated by leaders who desire us to all to grow in our knowledge of Jesus Christ and create lasting relationships with those around us. The children’s Life groups are by age level and include a story, games and hands-on learning opportunities with teachers so love engaging young minds for Jesus. We believe that studying the Word of God together strengthens us to learn how to apply God’s Word to our daily lives and is a lifetime journey. This informal time offers every child to adult an opportunity to engage and wrestle with our faith in a small group setting.

Jr. Church – Sunday mornings during part of Worship Service at 11:00 a.m.
Lessons on FaithAt LeRoy Covenant, we believe that children are an important part of our church family; therefore, an integral part of participating in Sunday morning Worship Services. Children frequently read scripture, lead songs, help with dramas and fully participate in adding to our combined flavor of Sunday worship. At the mid-point in the service, children ages preschool thru 6th grade are invited to attend our Jr. Church program. Children are told a Bible lesson and complete a craft or activity during the program. Jr. Church offers children an opportunity to be a part of the worship service, but also receive a Bible lesson appropriate to their age.

GirlNursery – During Life Groups and Worship Service
At LeRoy Covenant, children of all ages are welcome for Life Groups and Worship Service. Their presence and noise is a blessing to our church family. However, we realize that for many of our littlest blessings, class time and worship services can be too long for them. Therefore, we offer a staffed Nursery for children up to age 3 during the entire Life Group and Worship Service times for them to play, hear a story or get a hug whenever they may need it.

All-Church Worship – One Sunday a Quarter
We believe that inter-generational (meaning adults of all ages and children) worshiping together is key in raising the next generation to understand the importance of a walk with Christ. The future of the church, any church, is the next generation rising up to lead, worship and evangelize the community in which they live. Children model what they SEE the adults around them LIVING! At LeRoy Covenant, children are always a part of Worship Services, but for All-Church Worship, children lead all aspects of worship and the entire service is geared to their levels of attention and energy. It is an awesome time of children teaching adults and adults learning from children.

Princess TeaPrincess Tea
The Princess Tea is for Grandmothers, Mothers and Daughters to celebrate that they are truly loved by the King of Kings. The event includes a time of worship, skit, lunch, crafts and pictures to remember the day. We invite all women and girls to join us at this special event and enjoy the opportunity to grow in relationship with each other and Christ’s love.

Knight’s Breakfast
The Knight’s Dinner is for Grandfathers, Fathers and Sons to celebrate the knight within. The event includes breakfast and activities to connect men and boys to the important calling God has for men and the men-to-be in our lives.

Portage Lake Bible Camp – Summer Camps & Retreats
PLBC provides children with summer camping opportunities while learning about Jesus Christ and his importance for their lives. PLBC also offers retreats throughout the rest of the year for adults and families. Please see the PLBC website for more detailed information of programs.